Highroad Children’s Centre acknowledges that there will be no disclosure of personalinformation to unauthorized personnel or third parties who are not directly involved inHighroad Academy school management or the care, supervision and instruction of your child(ren) at this Centre, unless written authorization from a parent or legal guardian is provided to the Centre. The Centre or school will securely store all digital and hard copy parent and student personal information.
1. I consent to having Highroad Children’s Centre collect personal information that may include, birth certificate, legal guardianship, court order if applicable, parents’ work numbers and email address, behavioral, developmental and health information, emergency contact name and number, doctor’s name and number, health insurance number and any similar information needed for registration. I further consent to the use and disclosure of the information contained in this form and otherwise collected by or on behalf of Highroad Children’s Centre
(1) for the purpose of establishing, maintaining, and terminating the students and parents' relationship with Highroad Children’s Centre,
(2) for additional purposes identified when or before personal information is collected, and
(3) as otherwise provided in Highroad Academy’s Personal Information Privacy Policy, a copy of which is available on request. I also consent to the collection, use and disclosure of such personal information by and to agents, contractors, Highroad Academy’s website and service providers of Highroad Academy.